Rethinking Urban Living; The constraints that shaped SFS Haveli

When you sit down at your desk to start a project with a bunch of pencils, and a blank piece of paper there, there is a moment when you have to decide on what happens next. Where do you start? or what constraints should you address first?

The word ‘constraint’ often comes with a negative undertone, coming across as problems that we have to deal with. And while starting a new project, hearing about constraints can feel like it’s already limiting our creativity.

But if we look at it from the other side, constraints are the ones that helps us make decisions, prioritize and push forward. They are like a set of rules that are going to guide us like a manual.

During the design process of creating SFS Haveli, these constraints were embraced and used to create something different, that is unlike the typical urban enclosures found in Kochi. These challenges were turned into advantages. Here’s how :

Fostering Interaction Between Neighbours

At SFS haveli, the first constraint  was to redefine the typical introverted urban apartment typology, that offers very little interaction between residents, to a place where the community engagement and interaction happens by default. 

For this the idea was to restructure the circulation core of the building to a public space by creating a verandah/ bridge which overlooks green courtyards on either side. And hence these areas became hubs where neighbors can meet, chat, and build a sense of community.

Connecting with nature

At SFS haveli, the first constraint  was to redefine the typical introverted urban apartment typology, that offers very little interaction between residents, to a place where the community engagement and interaction happens by default. 

For this the idea was to restructure the circulation core of the building to a public space by creating a verandah/ bridge which overlooks green courtyards on either side. And hence these areas became hubs where neighbors can meet, chat, and build a sense of community.

Reimagining Privacy

Privacy was another constraint that had to be navigated. This was tackled by zoning the apartment layouts in a way that the common spaces overlooked the green central court while the private spaces had their own balconies ensuring residents enjoy their space without compromising on views or airflow. This design makes the building feel open yet intimate.

Designing villa-like comforts

Apartments often feel rigid and impersonal, but every unit in SFS Haveli feels like a private villa with its own ‘muttam’ or garden entry.

These entry points overlook the central courtyard, and hence acts as a threshold between nature and the villa. This brings out a sense of luxury and personalization to urban living.

Breaking free from car centric model

Urban living often revolves around cars, and thereby constraint becomes the need to prioritize people over vehicles.

By relegating cars to guest parking and the basement, the ground level was freed up for lush, pedestrian-friendly green spaces. This not only makes the environment feel more welcoming but also safer and more relaxing.

Constraints don’t hold us back—they push us forward. At SFS Haveli, these guiding factors helped us rethink what an urban home can be. The solutions to these challenges were beautiful but somehow diminutive. And these little things are what makes SFS Haveli unique in its own right, till it becomes something that is not entirely small anymore.

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